May 27, 2017

Harold the giraffe in the Life Education Truck

We met our friends Nicky and Harold the giraffe in the Life Education truck on Tuesday. We loved the cool lights in the truck and we watched Harold and his friends learn about how to include everyone when we are playing.

We had a big talk about the difference between telling and tattling.... 

Telling Mum or Dad or the teacher when there is an emergency like a fire or flood or a broken arm is a great choice! Do we need the ambulance? Do we need the fire brigade or the police?

Tattling or telling tales on someone when they push in line or snatch something just gets the other person in trouble, we are going to start trying to use our words and sort the problem out for ourselves before tattling to Mum or Dad or the teacher.


May 21, 2017

Kowhai paleontologist's trip to Hamilton Museum

We explored the museum and found Permian Monsters, they were before dinosaurs.
We found bones put together in skeletons.
We used paintbrushes to carefully brush the rubber 'dirt' away and found egg shells, fossils and centipedes.

We looked at their mouths - some had sharp long teeth for eating meat, they are called carnivores. Some had short square or round teethe for eating plants and leaves, they are called herbivores. We eat both meat and leaves like salad and we are called omnivores.

May 01, 2017

Learning to read in Kowhai

  • We love reading in Kowhai class. 
  • We listen to Mrs Case reading Big Books, picture books and notices. 
  • We talk about what the story means to us.
  • We re-tell the story in order from the beginning.
  • We can read the pictures in books and can explain what is happening.
  • We remember words and stories by practising every day.